Business news is the segment of global journalism that reports, documents, examines and interprets the business, financial and political activities and shifts that take place within societies. Such topics as market fluctuations, politics, international trade, immigration, new technologies and issues that affect the businesses on a local level are covered. Business news helps a great deal in the formulation of business strategies. The need for such materials has grown immensely over the years due to the rapid pace at which changes happen in business. Business reporting needs to be concise, clear and well organized to meet the changing needs of readers. The need for this genre of journalists is on the upswing as newspapers and other media houses are vying with each other to provide better news and insights.
A few decades ago, business journalism was confined to only one segment of society the financial professionals who published columns on Business News every day. Now, the trend has changed drastically as almost everyone owns a computer and access to the Internet that makes reading current affairs, or finding out about a business, easy. As a result, business journalism has also shifted focus from newspapers to magazines and even to web sites that publish the latest news and articles. The advent of online media and blogging has made it possible for ordinary people to get current business news from the comforts of their homes.
Business News is available in different forms to suit different requirements. While traditional business journalism employs the help of stenographers, researchers and reporters who travel to major business centers, such reports are now easily available via the Internet. Business News can also be obtained through reading business newspapers that are available both online and offline, as well as by reading certain periodicals dedicated to the business of Wall Street, such as Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and the Financial Times Weekly.