Cross-Functional Business Processes Involves Marketing

Business News

Today I want to explore what is Cross-functional Business Process (CFP) and how we can apply it into an online network marketing business. Cross functional businesses are growing like a giant weed in every area of life; why shouldn’t our online network marketing business be no different? It is simply a matter of fact that human beings are social animals and they will seek out and take advantage of any opportunity to meet others who share the same goals as them. Human beings also thrive on constant feedback from those whom they respect or admire. So the first rule of any type of business, whether it is a brick and mortar business or an online network marketing business, is that if you want to stay competitive you must foster and cultivate relationships with those within your company who share the same vision for success.

One way to foster these relationships and get them functioning properly is through what is known as Functional Thinking or FTP. The underlying principles behind this are simple: human beings are social animals and thrive when they are part of a group. If you can learn to create an atmosphere where others feel welcomed and valued, then you have won half the battle. The second rule, which is cross-functional business process will require you to think strategically think. You must come up with creative ways to present your business idea so that it can be easily marketed and taken advantage of.

For example, if you sell health and exercise equipment as a business you will want to develop a marketing plan that highlights the benefits of joining you as a seller of physical fitness equipment. If you have developed a very effective business plan, then all you have to do is market your product and let the power of word of mouth do the rest. However, if you haven’t written up a complete marketing strategy or have written up a very weak one, then you may find that your sales are quite low. What if you want to take your business online? Well, you have to come up with a plan for search engine optimization so that when potential customers do a search for products like yours they will see your website.

There is still another aspect of cross-functional business process involved, which is planning. How are you going to deal with issues such as scheduling, payroll, billing and customer service? This is actually the most difficult part of operating a business in which several departments have to work together. That’s why you should make sure that your company has in place a system in place for scheduling appointments, setting up times and addressing customer questions. You’ll also need a process in place for handling billing and client questions so that all employees who deal with those aspects of the business have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.

The final part of the cross-functional business process involves marketing. When you decide to take your business online, you are going to need to find a way to attract customers. This is where email marketing or even web promotion would come into play. Your company needs to figure out a way to get your product or service known by prospects who might be searching for it on the internet. Once again, this requires a good understanding of the needs of your target market.

These are just a few examples of the things that is cross-functional business process involved. Basically it is necessary for any business to have this in place if they want to continue growing. If you think about starting a business or have been thinking about it, then consider incorporating these elements. You may not realize it right now but you could very well be looking at a successful future. Just make sure that you start off by knowing exactly what cross-functional means. 

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